10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cables 50/125 OM3 OM4


Corning 10-GIG Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum OM3 Zipcord 2F 400FT

AFL 10-GIG Aqua Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum Laser Link OM3 Zipcord 2F 357FT

Hitachi Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Riser OM3 Interconnect 2F 3398FT

Hitachi Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Riser OM3 Interconnect 2F 1797FT

AFL Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Riser OM3 Zipcord 10-Gigabit Enchanced 2F 260FT

Hitachi Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Riser OM3 Interconnect 2F 2798FT

Commscope 10-Gig Systimax LazrSpeed 300 Indoor Multimode 50uM Plenum OM3 TB 12F 189FT

Commscope 10-Gig Systimax LazrSpeed Indoor Multimode 50uM Plenum OM3 TB Interlocking Armor 12F 262FT

Commscope 10-Gig Systimax LazrSpeed Indoor Multimode 50uM Plenum OM3 TB Interlocking Armor 12F 232FT

Commscope 10-Gig Systimax LazrSpeed Indoor Multimode 50uM Plenum OM3 TB Interlocking Armor 12F 219FT

Corning Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum OM3 MicroCore Pretium 300 Ultra-Bend 7.5mm 24F 880FT

AFL Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum OM3 DataPipe LaserLink 300 24F 1771FT

Hitachi Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum OM3 NanoCore 24F 364FT

Hitachi Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum OM3 NanoCore 24F 3282FT

Corning Hybrid 10-GIG Indoor Interlocking Armored Plenum TB OM3 24F (12SM-12MM)1651FT

Corning 10-GIG Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum Pretuim 300 OM3 TB 48F 14FT (2nd piece)

Hitachi Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum OM3 NanoCore 48F 2842FT

Corning 10-GIG Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum Pretuim 300 OM3 TB 48F 12FT

Corning 10-GIG Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum Pretuim 300 OM3 TB 48F 12FT (2nd piece)

Corning 10-GIG Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum Pretuim 300 OM3 TB 48F 11FT

Berk-Tek Indoor/Outdoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum OM3 Tight Buffered Interlocking Armor 48F 312FT

AFL Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum OM3 DataPipe LaserLink 300 48F 140FT

Corning 10-GIG Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum Pretuim 300 OM3 TB 48F 138FT

Corning 10-GIG Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum Pretuim 300 OM3 TB 48F 76FT

Hitachi Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum OM3 NanoCore 48F 1582FT

Corning 10-GIG Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum Pretuim 300 OM3 TB 48F 14FT

Hitachi Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum OM3 NanoCore 48F 3282FT

Hitachi Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum LSZH OM3 NanoCore 64F 2748FT

Hitachi Indoor Multimode 50-Micron Plenum OM3 NanoCore 72F 1206FT

Berk-Tek 10-GIG Indoor/Outdoor Multimode 50uM Plenum OM3 Gigalite 10 Adventum-Interlocking Armor-Tek TB 144F 144FT

10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cables 50/125 OM3 OM4

10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cables OM-3 and OM-4 are classified as 50/125 micron fiber cable. What makes these fiber optic cables truly significant is that they are all laser optimized. In the 10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cables OM3 OM4, the OM stands for optical multi-mode. OM4 fiber cable is compatible with OM3 fiber cable. Both share the similar distinct Aqua fiber jacket. Indoor 10-GIG optical fiber cable is also known as Aqua fiber and Laser Optimized Multimode Fiber (LOMMF). OM3 and OM4 are in very high demand today, to accommodate our needs for speed!

Fiber manufacturers provide 10-GIG Fiber Optic Cables in 50-uM (multimode) fiber option with a choice of OM-3 and OM-4. Both of these indoor cables are available in Plenum and Riser jackets and can also have an interlocking armored feature on the outside jacket. The jacket is typically the aqua color. The jacket color may also be orange and other color depending upon the customer requirement to match the cables already installed.

The 10-GIG Multimode 50 micron, OM-3 and OM-4 Fiber Optic Cable has many construction options. Some of these options are: breakout style, ribbon style, distribution style, tight buffer or loose tube. Manufacturers design the 10-GIG Multimode Fiber Optic Cable OM3 and OM4 to meet your specific requirements for your specific project.

10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cables 50/125 OM3 and OM4, Laser-Optimized 50uM Multimode Fiber Optic Cable (LOMMF) are utilized for meeting today’s growing connectivity needs of remote campuses, long distance communication, fiber systems, data center enclosures and data cabinets that are crowded and in environments that require interference protection. Since OM3 and OM4 are highly reliable and do not attenuate easily, they are considered ideal for sending data, voice and video communications beyond hundred meters.

Most standard Multimode fiber optic cable, OM1 (62.5) and OM2 (50-micron), is manufactured with an optics defect in the center of the core. While this defect does not affect the transmission of light emitted by LED, it does affect coherent light emitted by lasers. To efficiently transmit laser light through multimode fiber optic cable, you must use mode conditioning cables to avoid the center defect. In the early 2000’s, fiber optic cable manufacturers began producing 10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cable 50/125 OM3 Multimode fiber without the center defect and created codifying laser optimization.

The 10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cable 50/125 OM3 was the first design technology utilizing Multimode without mode conditioning. The low cost of vertical-cavity surface emitting laser design technology brought about the 10-Gigabit technology. Since 2005, OM4 has been on the market labeled as Premium OM3 and OM3+. It has now become known as OM4. OM3 and OM4 fiber cables have been around for years. OM4 was ratified in 2009, and what this translates to is longer transmission distances for the OM4 fiber.

10-GIG OM4 fiber cable can cover a longer transmission distance compared to OM3. The VCSEL technology (vertical cavity surface emitting laser) of 10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cables 50/125 OM3 fiber cable is capable of running 10 gigabit at (300m) three hundred meters whereas 10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cables 50/125 OM4 runs 10 gigabit fibre at (550m) five hundred and fifty meters. When you see these terms,(10GbE, 10GE, 10Gigabit, 10 GigE) it refers to technologies for transmitting Ethernet frames at a rate of 10 gigabits.

10-GIG OM3 fiber optic cable offers a bandwidth of 2500 MHz. 10-GIG OM4 is capable of offering a bandwidth of around 4,700 MHz, which is the recommended fiber type used in conjunction with 850 nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs). The vast majority of commercial buildings and data centers fall within these ranges, and because of LOMMF’s lower installation and operation costs, it makes 10-GIG fiber the optimal choice even when considering single-mode fiber.

10-GIG OM3 and OM4 or 50/125 Laser Optimized Fiber cables are ideal for applications in the Local Area Network (LAN) and Data Center (DC) environments. Many data centers and commercial buildings are transitioning to 10-GIG OM3 and OM4 fiber optic cable. Every year, the increasing demand for higher data speeds and the improved rate of data transmission is continuously rising. Why is this? The increased number of users accessing data services today coupled with newer and more advanced IT equipment being launched into the marketplace. These factors require more and more network and structured cabling companies to provide 10-GIG Fiber Optic Cables to transmit data at higher speeds, especially in data centers. 10-GIG OM3 and OM4 are ideally suited for installation in campuses, fiber networks and fiber systems to meet the increasing data transmission related requirements.

Today we can transmit data inside a data center utilizing Fiber Optic Cables at a speed of 10 Gigs per second. This seems like a very fast transmission rate, but with demand, users will be at that speed fairly quickly. In the near future, emerging technologies will be able to provide faster transfer rates of up to 100 Gigs per second at data centers. 10 Gig per second data transmission rates will be available to the desktop soon. With the increasing demand of bandwidth services growing, it means increased transmission rates must become standard. This increase in data speed will require much cleaner and clearer signals to transmit the laser pulses onto the 10-GIG OM3 and OM4 networks.

When we get to 40 gigs and 100 gigs, OM3 fiber will be able to go up to 100 meters but OM4 fiber will be able to go 150 meters. 90 percent of all data centers have their fiber optic cable installs under 100 meters. So which fiber to choose, it really just comes down to a costing issue. Like in all new technology, as the demand increases, the cost will come down. So, at some point soon, 10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cable 50/125 OM4 might be the most viable product. However at this point in time, there are no known plans on any of the manufacturers’ road maps to discontinue the OM3. It currently remains a very viable option for your infrastructure.

So, when it comes to deciding on 10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cable 50/125 OM3 or 10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cable 50/125 OM4, there are a few factors to consider. The first factor is to determine whether you need 10-GIG OM3 or 10-Gig OM4. The basis for this decision should be the cost versus the distances you are running. 10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cable 50/125 OM3 fiber is considered future proof in most applications, as it allows speeds of 10GB/s to 100GB/s. 10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cable 50/125 OM4 fiber offers longer distances and can be cost efficient for larger optical budgets. While OM4 10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cable has all the bandwidth you need and you can go plenty of distance, it is very expensive. Weigh out which option will work best for you now as well as in the future.

In a nutshell, 10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cables 50/125 OM3 OM4 10GbE laser optimized optical fiber was never affordable or very necessary in the past. However, with expanding technologies, the dynamics have changed completely. Customers now want increased performance at lower costs. Additionally, most applications today require larger bandwidths for transferring and streaming large amounts of data, audio and video files. All this and much more can be easily achieved with the installation of 10-GIG OM3 or OM4 fiber optical cable.

Although Discount Fiber doesn’t have an enormous inventory of 10-GIG Indoor Multimode Fiber Optic Cables 50/125 OM3 OM4, when we get it we can save you money! Please contact us with any questions you may have or to request a quote.